In 1989, Hurricane Hugo produced a 20-foot storm surge in South Carolina . . Storm Peter (2003), Tropical Storm Zeta (2005) and Tropical Storm Olga (2007).
Hurricane Names
2013 Hurricane Names: Andrea Barry Chantal Dean Erin Felix Gabrielle Humberto Ingrid Jerry Karen Lorenzo Melissa Noel Olga Pablo Rebekah Sebastien .
Fish Species
Hurricanes | Buzzle.com
Facts About Hurricanes Here are some facts about hurricanes for those who like these monstrous tropical storms that has wind speed of over 160 mph and can .
We sow the wind, they reap the whirlwind | Environment | Society ...
Feb 27, 2008 . Tropical storm Olga meant a loss of nearly £20m in export earnings. It will be at least 12 months before production will reach full capacity again.
Where to Fish
Get The Facts - Cyclones
Cyclones - Get the Facts . The season for Hurricanes and Typhoons in the Northern Hemisphere is between June and . O, Olga, Oswald, Olwyn, Owen, Odette .
Fishing Methods
Hurricane Olga - National Hurricane Center Tropical Cyclone Report
Jan 30, 2002 . Hurricane Olga had a non-tropical origin and formed from the interaction . In fact , there was a hint of an eye feature on visible satellite imagery at 1545 . For comparison the past 10-yr errors are 7, 11 14, 16 and 20 kt, for the .
Licensing Requirements
Hurricanes - average, low, world, high, days, Hurricane and tropical ...
This mound may translate into coastal surges of 20 ft or more. . In fact, that single event accounts for one third of all tropical storm or hurricane-related fatalities that have occurred in the United . Omar, Odette, Otto, Ophelia, Oscar, Olga .
Safety Tips
December Surprise: Tropical Storm Olga - NYTimes.com
Dec 11, 2007 . The storm became Tropical Storm Olga yesterday. . year we might get none at all (which would have been unthinkable in the 20th Cent.) . In fact, in September and early October, most of the hot, humid air that left the coast of .
2007 Atlantic hurricane season - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In addition, Tropical Storm Olga triggered flooding in the Dominican Republic, killing . In all, Felix killed at least 130 people, and damage in Nicaragua totaled C$869.3 million . "Background Information: The North Atlantic Hurricane Season".
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