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The Great Depression of the 1930s WebQuest
The Great Depression of the 1930s WebQuest. Introduction. It is early 1930's. . Take a look at the Occupation and Salary Chart to determine what you do for a .
Fish Species
Life As a Black Baseball Player: Playing Conditions
During the 1920s, monthly salaries averaged about $230, but during the Depression-ridden 1930s they fell to about $170....Salaries paid major leaguers were .
Where to Fish
How much did baseball players in the 1930's make
The highest salary in 1930s was $80000 for Babe Ruth of the Yankees. According to Ken Burns in his PBS series Baseball: The Cardinal players didn't make .
Fishing Methods
What was the salary for African Americans in the 1930s
What was the salary for African Americans in the 1930s? In: African-American History [Edit categories]. Answer: Improve. 60 cents per day for a 14 hour day .
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Fun Facts - 1930s
Because of the depression by the 1930s money was scarce, and people did what they could . There were shortened school terms, teachers' salaries were cut.
32 - Football Historian - Football History, facts, stats, players, history
National Football League Salaries collapsed during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Former Chicago Bears center Charles 'Ookie' Miller, who was an All-Pro .
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The 1930s: Education: Overview – FREE The 1930s: Education ...
The 1930s: Education: Overview – Encyclopedia.com has The 1930s: . available, but financial support for schools and good salaries for teachers went begging.
During the financial crisis of the 1930s the regents implemented salary reductions on a sliding scale similar to the one we now propose. According to the minutes .
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