Saving email on my computer - AOL.ca
With an AOL screen name, you can e-mail with other AOL and Internet users. message or send an e-mail message to a friend, it is moved to your online Old .
Email is missing from the AOL Desktop Software - AOL Help
Feb 23, 2012 . Run Quick Restore; Save emails to Saved on My PC folder; Delete . If you have read the email, please check the Old Mail folder for the email.
Fish Species
My General Mail settings in AOL 9.0 - AOL Help
After you have read an email, it is moved to your Old . the up or down arrow next to the Keep my old mail online __ .
Where to Fish
What is the retention time for old AOL email before it is deleted from ...
Hello, According to the AOL Help sites : Mail in both folders(New Mail and Old Mail) will be erased after 30 days. If you want to save them, you .
Fishing Methods
How long will AOL save my email?
AOL will save your email for different amounts of time depending on which folder( s) you are using . Old Thursday, December 23rd, 2010. popowich. Postmaster .
Licensing Requirements
help!! retreving lost aol emails | DaniWeb
i discovered to my dismay that email from my aol file cabinet had just disappeared! i have . I browsed down and there, sadly, were NOT all my old emails, just the . Aol 9.0. Suddenly all of my saved email on my pc disappeared. I looked at the .
Safety Tips
How to Backup or Copy Mail in Your AOL Saved ... - Email - About.com
Why Back Up Email? That's why you save the emails you want to save to your local AOL Saved on My PCfiling cabinet and back up the latter from time to time so .
How to Recover Mail and Other AOL Data from a "Saved on My PC ...
Open the folder containing the backup copy of your old organize folder in a new Explorer . How to Change Your AIM Mail or AOL Mail Password - About Email .
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