Veal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bob veal, from calves that are slaughtered when only a few days old (at most 1 month . Its name comes from its pink colour, which is a result of the calves being .
Bob veal - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...
Definition of bob veal from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, . What made you want to look up bob veal? . Name That Thing .
Fish Species
74 people named Robert Veal in the US - Name Popularity ...
Find robert veal on WhitePages. There are 74 people named robert veal in places like Atlanta, GA; Albany, OR; Dublin, GA; Philadelphia, PA; and Cumming, GA.
Where to Fish
bob veal calf: Definition from Answers.com
bob veal calf Calf 13 weeks old, sold for baby veal, often the male calves from dairy farms; average weight 150 lb (68 k. . How did bob veal get it's name?
Fishing Methods
"Bob" Veal: About fifteen percent of veal calves are marketed up to 3 weeks of age or at a . Special, milk fed, and formula fed are the names given to nutritionally .
Atlantic Veal and Lamb, Inc. - Your Only Stop for Veal.
Plume De Veau is the world's most recognized name in veal. The Epicurean Line represents a full array of domestic Bob Veal portioned controlled products as .
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Bob Veal and Slink Veal
Dec 1, 2011 . Calves used for bob veal and slink veal never make it to the veal crates. The first time I heard of bob veal or slink veal, I didn't actually hear .
What is bob veal?
Mar 26, 2009 . About fifteen percent of veal calves are marketed up to 3 weeks of age or at a weight . These are called Bob Calves. . Your Name *Required .
Safety Tips
Veal : A Cruel Meal
Some are slaughtered soon after birth for "bob veal." Others are raised in "open pens," a kind of minimum security prison, and even then they are sometimes .
Dec 31, 2011 . "Bob-veal" is the name given to the flesh of a calf four weeks old - sometimes sold illegally. Not only the flesh but also the heart, tongue, liver, .
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