![Alaska Shore Fishing](http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/46685645.png)
Biological Evaluation For Sensitive Plant Species Lower Trinity and ...
Summary of Determination of Effects to Sensitive Botanical Species By Alternative. Alternative . fish, and plant species in habitats distributed throughout their geographic range on . Time frame for the cumulative effects analysis is 20 years.
Biological Evaluation of Sensitive Plant Species for the Motorized ...
Cumulative Effects Area (CEA). The cumulative effects areas (CEA) delineated for sensitive plant species were chosen for each plant species on the basis of .
Fish Species
Sensitive Plant Species Known or Expected to occur in Moist Habitat . . indirect and cumulative impacts would continue regardless of the type of vehicle using .
Where to Fish
Tongass National Forest-Guidelines for Biological Evaluations of ...
. on sensitive species. There are no threatened or endangered plant species on the Tongass. . A cumulative effects analysis for sensitive plants includes: .
Fishing Methods
The Forest Service sensitive plant species considered in this Biological . The area of analysis for cumulative effects is greater that for the project area, and .
Licensing Requirements
Botany Specialist Report Travel Management Rule Environmental ...
Jul 18, 2011 . endangered, and sensitive plant species (TES) that occur or have . The boundary for this cumulative effects analysis is the Coconino National .
Safety Tips
Ozone Injury to Forest Plants
plants of at least three ozone-sensitive species and enough open space to ensure that . Because ozone injury is cumulative over the course of the . variants of the same species, may not be harmed at ozone levels that cause effects on the .
Protocols for Surveying and Evaluating Impacts to Special Status ...
produced and the potential of locating a special status plant species or natural . an informed decision regarding the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of a . “Guidelines for Conservation of Sensitive Plant Resources Within the Timber .
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