House of Medici - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Medici Family or Famiglia de' Medici (Italian pronunciation: [de . including the Uffizi Gallery, the Boboli Gardens, the Belvedere, and the Palazzo Medici, .
Palazzo Pitti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The palace was bought by the Medici family in 1549 and became the chief residence of . 3.1 Palatine Gallery; 3.2 Royal Apartments; 3.3 Gallery of Modern Art .
Fish Species
Pulp Fashion: The Art of Isabelle de Borchgrave | Legion of Honor
Feb 5, 2011. de' Medici by Agnolo Bronzino in the collection of the Galleria degli . in the history of costume—from Renaissance finery of the Medici family .
Where to Fish
Alessandro De Medici | FRONTLINE | PBS
The ethnic make up of this Medici Prince makes him the first black head of state in . were the last of what has come to be referred to as the elder line of the family . . Giulio de Medici, (Allessandro's son) Knight Commander of the Gallery of St.
Fishing Methods
The Medici Family: Its Central Role in Renaissance Art - Yahoo ...
Oct 4, 2007 . The story of the Medici family during the Renaissance era is a robust . during that time, one has only to look to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
Licensing Requirements
Uffizi, Florence
The Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery) boasts the world's largest collection of Renaissance art, largely collected by members of the Medici family during the 16th .
Uffizi Gallery - Visiting the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy
By 1581, Francesco began using the Uffizi's long corridors to display the Medici family's art collection and the Galleria degli Uffizi was born. Visitor Information .
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Guided personalized tours of Florence | The Medici Family ...
In the picturesque district of San Lorenzo, the Medici family built its first palace in . Here is situated the famous Palatine Gallery, hosting prized masterpieces by .
The Medici, the family dynasty from Florence.
The Medici family was one of the wealthiest in Europe, and the Medici bank was . one of the worlds greatest art galleries and founded the Academy of Design in .
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