Psychosurgery | Types | Prefrontal Lobotomy | Cingulotomy ...
Nov 14, 2010 . Psychosurgery types: lobotomy, cingulotomy, capsulotomy. The history and modern use of psychosurgery, risks, side effects. Prevention.
psychosurgery - definition of psychosurgery in the Medical dictionary ...
As with any type of brain surgery, psychosurgery carries the risk of permanent brain damage, though the advent of non-invasive neurosurgical techniques, such .
Fish Species
Psychosurgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advances in surgical technique have greatly reduced the incidence of death and serious damage from psychosurgery; the remaining risks include seizures, .
Where to Fish
History of psychosurgery in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free ...
Beginning in the early 1940s, psychiatrists and surgeons experimented with different techniques of psychosurgery, mainly in order to reduce the risk of death, .
Fishing Methods
Psychosurgery - Contemporary Psychosurgery - Brain, Procedures ...
The commission sponsored a number of studies looking at the risks and benefits of psychosurgery. Basically, the Commission concluded that psychosurgery can .
Licensing Requirements
Psychosurgery - why not ban it?'
they are not dangerous when used with caution. With psychosurgery there are higher risks, al- though with contemporary operations the risks are much less than .
Psychosurgery: new cutting edge or short sharp shock « Mind Hacks
Nov 29, 2009 . Psychosurgery: new cutting edge or short sharp shock. The New York . Link to NYT piece 'Surgery for Mental Ills Offers Both Hope and Risk'.
Safety Tips
Society for Humanistic Psychology: Risky Psychosurgery Given ...
Nov 27, 2009 . The article acknowledges that the new surgeries are not backed by new scientific evidence of their benefit to justify the serious risks involved: .
Psycho surgery the future of an illusion | Psychology Today
Nov 28, 2009 . Head line: Surgery for mental ills offers both hope and risk. Hm. Hope--this is . What is the future of THAT illusion? psycho surgery. Yesterday .
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