Use Repellent - How To Information | eHow.com
Garlic powder is just one ingredient used in homemade deer repellent. . and if you are averse to chemical-based products, the problem can be even worse. . Is Amyris Oil an Effective Insect Repellent? . Cinnamon Oil for Insect Repellent .
Deer Repellent, Concentrate, 1 Gal. - Repellants and Pest Control ...
Shop for OSM Deer Repellent, Concentrate, 1 Gal., #5XYG1 at Grainger. . Contains, ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: CINNAMON OIL AND TABLE SALT. INERT . The source for the answers given by Grainger in Ask and Answer are based on the .
Fish Species
Cheap homemade deer repellent..actually works! - Plants for ...
This is similar to the homemade deer repellent recipe I found at allrepellents.com. Haere's their list of . 15 drops of cinnamon oil - optional .
Where to Fish
Repellency of Plant, Natural Products, and Predator Odors to ...
Deer-Away@ were all effective repellents (P< 0.05). Cinnamon leaf oil . One site was at the foundation of a building, three were near the base of maple (Acer spp.) . Cinnamon leaf oil (Hogan Fragrances) was selected because of its reported .
Fishing Methods
How to Get Rid of Deer From a Flower Garden | Garden Guides
Erecting a fence or planting a dense hedge, as you would to keep deer from a vegetable garden, . Making your own deer repellent is cost-effective and environmentally safe. . pepper; 20 drops of essential oil of cinnamon, clove or eucalyptus; 1 tsp. dormant oil or cooking oil; and 1 tsp. of liquid dish soap. . ... rotein-based.
Licensing Requirements
All natural Ingredients for the finest repellents: Deer Repellent ...
"I Must Garden Deer Repellent is the best product on the market by far! . and insect repellent, but the ancient Sumerians actually used it as a base for paint. . Cinnamon oil is pungent and has a strong, spicy taste, so it is no wonder that .
Safety Tips
Animal repellent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coyote urine has gained currency as a deer repellent. Fox urine . Research has shown that cinnamon oil, clove oil, and eugenol are effective snake repellents.
Which Is The Best Homemade Deer Repellent? - Selecting A Deer ...
Comparing both oil and eggs against one another, the eggs seem to . Latex Based Deer Repellent [/caption] I noticed today that someone visited our site . 1/ 4 cups sifted flour 1 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. ginger 1/2 tsp. salt .
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